The Importance of Eye Examinations for Children
Why Should You Get Your Child’s Eyes Examined?
Good vision is vital for physical and educational development in children. An eye exam is one of the best ways to protect your child’s vision because it can detect eye problems at their earliest stage – when they’re most treatable. The most common children’s eye conditions include Strabismus and Amblyopia for which early detection is critical. Regular eye exams give your child’s eye doctor a chance to help your child correct or adapt to vision changes.
Here are some guidelines to follow for your child’s eye health:
Children 5 Years and Younger
Screening for eye disease should be conducted at:
-Newborn to 3 months -6 months to 1 year -3 years -5 years -School-Age Children and Adolescents
Have your child’s vision checked before he or she enters preschool. If your child has no symptoms of vision problems and doesn’t have a family history of vision problems, have your child’s vision rechecked every two years.
Some factors may put your child at increased risk for eye disease. If any of these factors apply to your child, check with your eye doctor to see how often you should have a medical eye exam:
-Developmental Delay -Premature birth -Personal or family history of eye disease -Previous serious eye injury -Use of certain medications (check with you eye doctor)
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