

Product Description

We think the styles should be given the first priority, which have been lost by the priorities of materials and functionalities. The world famous techniques of Japan to make optical frames are for making beautiful designs.We don’t stick too much to the fashion of short life but we pursue the styles,which are appreciated to be beautiful constantly by users in long periods.
素材や機能性を優先することで見失われてきた形こそ優先すべきだと考えます。 世界に誇る日本の眼鏡技術は形を描くための技術です。流行にとらわれすぎずいつの時代にも美しいと評される形を追求していきます。
Our excellent production is due to the result of good harmony of ‘High Precision Parts ‘ produced by machines and tools of high technologies ,with sure eyes and skillful fingers of expert engineers on assembling.We put ‘Hand Finish’ as reliable marks to the frames produced in this way .
良いもの作りとはハイテクノロジー機器による精度の高いパーツ作りとそれを組み上げる熟練の技術者の目と手先の技術の融合によるものです。 私達はこのように製作されたものに対し責任ある表記としてhand finishと表記しています。

Additional Information


50 X 20.5 – 143


Acetate and Titianium

Made In

Made in japan

Package Contents

Hard case & cleaning cloth


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